Kindle Oasis vs. Paperwhite: Which Is Better For You?

Kindle Oasis vs. Paperwhite: Which Is Better For You?

While there’s a range of ereaders on the market, there’s no arguing that the Kindle has taken the top spot in terms of popularity. But narrowing down your ereader purchasing to a Kindle is only the first step. After that, there’s the crucial question of which Kindle model to get. Two of the most well-loved Kindle models are the Paperwhite and the Oasis. They both have similar sized screens and share a lot of features. So, the Kindle Oasis vs. Paperwhite: which one should you get?

First, a little bit of history. The Kindle Paperwhite came out in 2012, and its latest generation/update was in 2021. The Kindle Oasis came out in 2016, and its latest generation/update was in 2019. I will be comparing the most recent generations of both, though because the Oasis has not been updated in three years, it will likely either see a new generation in the next year or so or be officially discontinued.


If you’re looking for affordability in choosing between the Kindle Oasis vs. Paperwhite, the Paperwhite is a clear winner. It starts at $140 while the Oasis starts at $270. For both, you can choose between the default 8 GB storage or a pricier version that has 32 GB. Given that Kindle ebooks are easily stored in the “cloud,” the average reader won’t need more than 8 GB unless they plan on storing a lot of audiobooks on the device. You can also choose between being ad-supported (a cheaper option that has ads displayed, though not while you read) or not.

There are two versions of the Paperwhite: the standard Paperwhite and the Paperwhite Signature. The Paperwhite Signature comes with that extra storage as well as an auto-adjusting light feature and a wireless charging option.


The Kindle Oasis vs. Paperwhite in terms of size are pretty similar, though they have some key differences in design. The Kindle Oasis has a 7-inch screen, and the newest Paperwhite has a 6.8-inch screen. The Oasis also has page turn buttons on one side, so it is wider. Some Amazon reviewers still find it easy to hold in one hand, but others found it difficult to grip like that. If you have smaller hands and want to be able to hold your ereader in one hand, the Paperwhite will likely fit this requirement better.

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10 Books about Kenya by Kenyans

10 Books about Kenya by Kenyans

The Republic of Kenya is the 29th most populous country in the world, home to more than 47,600,000 people, and the third largest economy in Sub-Saharan Africa. It has an incredibly rich history, tracing primate habitation for more than 20 million years. Its borders encompass major cities of Nairobi, the current capital, founded by colonialists in 1899; Mombasa, the original capital, founded by Kenyans in 900 CE; and Kisumu, one of the oldest settlements in Kenya and located on Lake Victoria.

The country was invaded by Omani Arabs in the 17th century, who then established a slave trade with Portuguese colonialists. In the 1880s, Germany established Kenya as a protectorate (a deeply colonialist word), calling the whole country the “East Africa Protectorate,” which was transferred to the British in 1890. It was renamed Kenya in 1920; from 1952 to 1959, the Mau Mau people in Kenya fought a rebellion to release the country from British rule. On December 12, 1964, the Republic of Kenya was officially established and functions today as an independent democratic republic, although it is still considered part of the British Commonwealth.

With such a deep history and so many diverse voices — both African and not — in its history, it is no surprise that Kenya’s literature is equally multifaceted and beautiful. I’ve gathered ten books about Kenya here from Kenyan authors, based on recommendations from Kenyan readers and bloggers.

The Best Books About Kenya

Petals of Blood by Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o

When it was first published in 1977, this deceptively simple crime investigation tale was so revolutionary that the Kenyan government imprisoned Thiong’o without charges. In the last five decades, Ngũgĩ has become one of the country’s most decorated authors. He writes consistently on sociopolitical themes, and Petals of Blood is a truly explosive tale of a modern third-world nation whose leaders consistently fail their people.

The River and the Source by Margaret A. Ogola

Ogola’s books run the gamut regarding subject, with The River and the Source considered to be her best novel. It spans the lives of three generations of Kenyan women, reaching into the 20th century. She published a sequel, I Swear by Apollo, in February 2022.

One Day I Will Write About This Place: A Memoir by Binyavanga Wainaina

Wainaina, an out, gay, HIV-positive Black Kenyan man, died in 2019. His works are deeply controversial, especially in countries where homosexuality is a crime. This memoir tracks his upbringing, a failed job as a programmer in South Africa, and the shifting landscape of his family, tribe, and nation.

Dust by Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor

Owuor wrote her first short story, The Weight of Whispers, in 2003, and it earned her the Caine Prize for African Writing. In Dust, she has penned what some argue is the best saga by a Kenyan author.

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Will the Real Bird Lady Please Stand Up?: A Brief History of Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes

Will the Real Bird Lady Please Stand Up?: A Brief History of Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes

If you grew up within the bounds of Western civilization, chances are you’ve heard of Mother Goose in one form or another. Maybe she was the charming and comforting old woman on the cover of the book your parents read to you at bedtime, or maybe she was an actual goose. Whatever the case, the nickname Mother Goose has been synonymous with childlike nursery rhymes and fairytales for centuries, but her true origin is up for debate.

Although she only came into prominence in Europe and North America between the 17th and 19th centuries, Mother Goose’s origins date back to as early as the 8th century CE. Betrada II of Laon, mother of Charlemagne (AKA Charles the Great, the first emperor of the Holy Roman Empire), spent frequent time in children’s company telling them folk and fairytales.

Her most common nicknames were “Queen Goosefoot” or “Goose-foot Bertha,” as she suffered from a malformation of one of her feet. Some accounts suggest that it was Robert II of France’s wife who was Queen Goosefoot, as her name was also Bertha and her common nickname was “Bertha the Spinner” — referring to someone known for “spinning” fantastic tales that enthralled children. Another theory is that the original Mother Goose was the Queen of Sheba, who was known for having a “strange foot” that resembled that of a goose or swan.

Meanwhile, in France by the time of the mid-17th century, nicknames such as “Mère L’Oye” or “Mère Oye” — roughly translated to Mother Goose — were used as descriptors of women of a certain age who enjoyed delighting children with fairy and folktales. It was Charles Perrault who, in 1697, published his revered and largely influential collection of stories Histoires ou contes du temps passé often supplemented with the subtitle Contes de ma mère l’Oye.

English European readers, however, were already familiar with their own iteration of Mother Goose by the 17th century in the form of Old Mother Hubbard, a nursery rhyme by English poet, Edmund Spenser, first published around 1590. In the 1690s, as Perrault was gearing up to release his own goose into the wild, Madame d’Aulnoy — a French author of literary fairytales — began publishing collections under the pseudonym Mother Bunch, a figure similar to that of Mother Goose.

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8 Great Novellas in Translation

8 Great Novellas in Translation

If you’re looking to read more books from around the world, beginning with novellas in translation makes a lot of sense. For reasons I don’t fully understand, a lot of the fiction that gets translated into English is novella length. It may be that the novella is a more dominant form in other countries than it is in the U.S., or it may be that shorter books are easier to translate and therefore easier to publish. Either way, there are many wonderful novellas in translation to choose from.

Personally, I love reading novellas: they are long enough to create the feeling of immersion in a story, but not so long that I, as a slow reader, feel bogged down. They are also a great way to try out new authors and styles without a major investment of time. If you like what you find, you can search out other books by that author or in that style.

Also, if you fall in love with a particular novella in translation, you can seek out other work from that country or region. The books in the list below come from Mexico, Palestine, Japan, Argentina, Switzerland, France, Colombia, and South Korea. Reading one of these might inspire you to learn more about the literary culture and traditions of that place.

You might also find a new favorite author. I have read and loved the books in this list and have gone on to seek out other work by these writers. You might have the same experience!

The Taiga Syndrome by Cristina Rivera Garza, Translated by Suzanne Levine and Aviva Kana

This novella mixes fairytales, detective fiction, travel writing, and theories of translation in a wild, eerily strange ride of a reading experience. An ex-detective gets tapped for a mission to find a lost couple. To complete her mission, she travels into the far north with a translator. As the two of them wander further into the forest, what they discover gets stranger and stranger. This is a great book for those who like strange reads that keep you on your toes and give you plenty of food for thought.

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2022's most anticipated TV finale

2022's most anticipated TV finale

How a 'very simple story' became a number one TV hit


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Amelie von Wulffen at Galerie Meyer Kainer

April 8 – May 21, 2022


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Peggy Ahwesh at Kunsthall Stavanger

February 24 – May 29, 2022


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Postcards from Ellsworth

Ellsworth Kelly, Having The Time Of My Life, 1998. Ellsworth Kelly Foundation, courtesy of Matthew Marks Gallery.


Several years ago, moving into an old but new-to-me apartment with bare white walls, I tacked a poster-size sheet of heavy paper above my desk. Over time, I began to randomly pin found photographs and scraps of stories and poems to this sheetincluding a couple of reproductions of Ellsworth Kelly postcards, which I’d torn out of magazines. Every so often, my eyes would stray upward, and these flashes of color would slide into view. I had not thought of them again until very recently, when I heard of an exhibition curated from the four hundred postcards Kelly made and mailed at various points during his seven decades of making art.

I did not think much then about why they appealed to me. Some of the other images on my board were actual found photographs, as in ones I found on the street, including a glossy, black-and-white roadside image of a crime scene, probably photographed by highway patrol, then ripped in half. Like the collages I sometimes made on notebooks containing my first drafts, none of these pictures were meant as literal inspiration; they were just references for daydreaming, vague and strange enough that they might compel some unexpected sentence or train of thought.

In one of the Kelly postcards I’d pinned up, four irregular squarish panels of slightly diluted shades of blue, yellow, green, and red are pasted like a scrim over a landscape of a mountain and lake. They reminded me of endless things, like Baldessari dots that simultaneously redirect the eye elsewhere and draw it back to the point of obfuscation, piquing curiosity about what it conceals. In their pure arrangement of color, the postcards were pleasingly like the faded multicolored flags that flutter over used car lots, like the surprise patterns and colors of paint that emerge on adjacent boarded-up windows when old city buildings are torn down. They were both curtains and windows, shielding what lay behind them and opening into something else.

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Clipboard, 2022


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After Gareth steps down… Pardew?

Marcus, Luke and Pete recap a tough night for Rangers as their European adventure comes to a bitter end. STOP BRINGING PLAYERS ON FOR PENALTIES! 

We also turn our attentions to two former men of this sleazy parish, as José Mourinho fires up the Roma faithful and Alan Pardew joins us from his Sofia bungalow. Single bed, thankfully.

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