Togetherness will help Arsenal cement Top Four

“Togetherness is the cement we build on”

In his first press conference since the latest round of international fixtures the boss was talking about the team foundation and spirit which we can all see has grown immensely since he first took over!

As we all know there are 10 games left in the run-in this season and the boss speaking to was talking about how much the team being together will be a key factor in the build up to the end of the season.

He stated: “For me it’s crucial because it’s the platform and the cement that you can build on.”

Although you can have a good foundation the key factors of a team or workforce is those that are part of the team, and those that you count on to go out and get those results.

To which Arteta added: “Then obviously you need the players, you need the quality, the understanding. You need the club and the supporters to be on board with what you are doing, to support it, encourage it. This is what we try to do.”

There is not doubt that at the beginning of the season, and even at Arteta’s appointment, eyebrows were raised due to his inexperience in managing, but forward on to now and it is clear to see that although we may not always get the results, things are much more settled and cemented in place and more and more supporters seem to be on board.

Of course winning always helps his cause.

But there is also no denying that Arteta, despite his lack of experience does have a good head on his shoulders where he speaks well and knows, and more importantly tries, to implement his knowledge on to the club, players, fans and the team as a whole and if it works we will not complain, that is for sure.

He is also right because the key to any team and workplace in fact, is togetherness with a solid backbone and foundation to build on and grow.

But as nice as it is to hear this and with certain results in big games that haven’t always gone our way this season, we know there is still a bit of work to be done to make us perfect again, so let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves because even if a team is 100% together on and off the pitch, results do not always go our way, as sometimes there are things that are not in our control.

However it is definitely nice to hear that things are somewhat positive in and around the club, and we can only hope that things stay this way or improve even more, in the best way possible for as long as possible.

If it does, and Arteta is still at the helm I guess we can say job well done!

But for now let’s take it one game at a time hey Gooners!

Shenel Osman


The post Togetherness will help Arsenal cement Top Four appeared first on Just Arsenal News.


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