Never Too Young: Why Kids Deserve Queer Friendly Libraries

Never Too Young: Why Kids Deserve Queer Friendly Libraries

I worked with young children long before my first year teaching in 2007. I have three degrees that qualify me to educate kids. Interacting with young people has been my greatest skill for as long as I’ve been a person. My biggest takeaway over the last, oh, 30 years? Kids will never fail to surprise me. It’s been proven to me over and over that kids know more, feel more, and deserve more than adults ever give them credit for.

My latest lesson in this has been around the palpable relief felt by my elementary students when I worked to make my school library more queer-friendly. This process included no fanfare. I had already been adding picture books that challenged gender norms and middle grade titles with queer characters and storylines for as long as I had been developing the collection. But as I was working to add racial and physical diversity into my library posters and signage, I knew I wanted to branch out to make sure everyone felt welcome.

The first noticeable shift was when I decorated my door with a “This Classroom is for Everyone” sticker from the Etsy artist MegEmikoArt. The sticker is decorated with pride flags and my students buzzed as they came into Media. Soon after, I bought the “Libraries are for everyone” shirt in the same design by the same artist. A 5th grader who didn’t usually stop to chat pointed to one of the flags on my shirt, grinned, and said “That one’s me.” I was wonderfully, pleasantly floored.

I thought I was adding more queer flags, using gender-neutral terms, and featuring books with queer characters to help them prepare for the real world. I thought my students should be exposed to these things in case they met queer people or to make them more comfortable with queer family structures. This was a condescending way for me to think about my students. Thank god the kids are smarter than me.

What actually happened was that my students thanked me. There was gratitude, excitement, and relief. My students already knew how to identify more specific pride flags than I did. They already knew that gender and sexuality are spectrums and each person knows what feels right to them. I had students with whom I had no previous relationship sharing their pronouns. Our STEM building materials were used to build and label different pride flags. Requests were made for the LGBTQ book section; the books had always been there. The kids just needed affirmation that it was safe to ask for them. My students did not need exposure. They needed a safe space.

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Books and Comics for Fans of ADVENTURE TIME

Books and Comics for Fans of ADVENTURE TIME

It’s hard to believe it’s been 13 years since Finn, Jake, Bubblegum Princess, and the rest of the Adventure Time crew came into our homes to delight us with their mathematical dealies. Even though the show ended way back in 2018, its offbeat characters and bizarro world still have a place in fans’ hearts. If you’re missing your AT faves, these books and comics for fans of Adventure Time might just fill the void.

Now, before you ask: no, the Adventure Time comics and graphic novels themselves are not on this list. In the interest of sharing some off-the-beaten-path recommendations, I’m not including them here. With that being said, you should absolutely check them out if you haven’t already.

It’s difficult to replicate the spirit of Adventure Time. Anything can happen in the Land of Ooo. There are always new civilizations to meet, treasures to discover, and places to explore.

It’s hard to maintain a sort of internal logic when every corner of your invented world is wildly different from the last. But in literature, with the exception of a scant few niche sub-genres, that logic is critical for readers to be able to understand and access your work.

These books and comics for fans of Adventure Time won’t bring the show back, but they might just fill that Jake-and-Finn-sized hole in your heart.

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Why You Should Read Reviews After You’ve Read The Book

Why You Should Read Reviews After You’ve Read The Book

I read (and write) a lot of reviews, and while I sometimes do let them guide me toward or away from books, I find that reading reviews is most interesting, useful, and insightful not before I’ve read a book, but afterwards. In fact, I often turn to reviews soon after I finish a book. It’s one of my favorite reading rituals. I like to let my own thoughts and feelings about a book settle, and then I like to see what other folks are saying about it. Inevitably, reading these reviews, whether they’re positive, negative, or critical, deepens my understanding of the book I just read.

There are so many reasons why reviews are better after you’ve read the book. There’s the obvious fact that sometimes it’s hard to write a good review without spoilers. I personally do not care about spoilers. Ninety-eight percent of the time, knowing what happens does not decrease my enjoyment of a book, and often it increases my enjoyment. But I know lots of people do not feel this way, and so I try to avoid major spoilers when writing reviews. Of course, this means that sometimes I can’t write about the heart of a book, and it’s frustrating. So I’ve started writing more reviews with a different mindset: When I review a book, I’m responding to and reflecting on a piece of art. I’m not trying to convince anyone to read it (or not read it).

This brings me to the number one reason that I think it’s better for everyone when we all read reviews after we’ve read the books. Reviews are not objective. There is no such thing as an objective review. I don’t know why this is a thing that people think exists. It does not exist. You cannot write an objective review, and you shouldn’t! The point of reviewing isn’t to judge a work of art against some invisible, arbitrary standard. The point of reviewing is to engage with art. Critical reviews, pithy negative reviews, glowing reviews, thoughtful reviews, dishy reviews — it’s all part of the conversation. It’s all worthwhile, and it’s all important.

But here’s the thing: because reviews are never objective, they are actually not that good (on their own) at helping you decide whether or not to read a book. Here, I’ll give you an example. Earlier this year, I read Catherine Lacey’s Biography of X. I did not like it at all. I could see what Lacey was doing, and she did it very well, but I couldn’t make myself care about it. I did not want to be in the world she made. I’ve since read dozens of glowing reviews of it on Bookstagram. I do not disagree with any of them — they point out many of the things I admired in the novel. If I hadn’t already read it, I’d be tempted to, based on some of these reviews. You see the problem, right? None of these reviewers are lying! They’re writing about their experience of the book, which was the opposite of my experience. A glowing review does not mean a book is good. A scathing review does not mean a book is bad. A review is response to a piece of art. Unless you know the reviewer well, and know that you have similar taste, it’s impossible to tell from a review whether you’ll have the same response or not.

I’ve quite enjoyed reading reviews of Biography of X. Some of them have made me think about it in different ways. Some of them have reminded me exactly why I hated it, and I feel validated. I read a book, I didn’t like it, and now I’m interested in the conversation people are having about it. The conversation is the main event. I can learn from and enjoy the conversation even though I didn’t like the book. And this goes for pretty much all books — books I’ve loved, books I’ve felt indifferent to, books I’ve hated.

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Pasolini on Caravaggio’s Artificial Light

Caravaggio, Self-portrait as the Sick Bacchus. Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Pasolini’s pen was preternatural in its output. Collected by the publishing house Mondadori in their prestigious Meridiani series, his complete works in the original Italian (excluding private documents such as diaries, and his immense, largely unpublished, epistolary exchanges in various languages) fill ten densely printed volumes. The twenty thousand or so pages of this gargantuan oeuvre suggest that, in the course of his short adult life, Pasolini must have written thousands of words every day, without fail. 

Allusions to painting—and to the visual arts more broadly—appear across the full range of Pasolini’s writings, from journalistic essays to poetry and work for theater and film. The intended destination of the textual fragment below, which remained unpublished during Pasolini’s lifetime, remains uncertain. We know, however, that it was most likely penned in 1974. The “characterological” novelty of Caravaggio’s subjects, to which Pasolini alludes in passing, underscores some of the parallels between the two artists’ bodies of work: an eye for the unlikely sacredness of the coarse and squalid; a penchant for boorishness to the point of blasphemy; an attraction to louts and scoundrels of a certain type—the “rough trade,” of homosexual parlance.It is striking, for instance, that some of the nonprofessional actors that Pasolini found in the outskirts of Rome and placed in front of his camera bear an uncanny resemblance to the “new kinds of people” that Caravaggio “placed in front of his studio’s easel,” to quote from the essay presented here. Take Ettore Garofolo, who for a moment in Mamma Roma looks like a tableau vivant of Caravaggio’s Bacchus as a young waiter. Even the illness that ultimately kills that subproletarian character—so often read as a metaphor of the effects of late capitalism on Italy’s post-Fascist society—is born out of an art historical intuition that is articulated in this fragment on Caravaggio’s use of light. 

But it was equally an exquisite formal sense—a search after “new forms of realism”—that drew Pasolini to Caravaggio’s work, particularly the peculiar accord struck in his paintings between naturalism and stylization. Pasolini professed to “hate naturalism” and, with some exceptions, avoided the effects of Tenebrism in his cinema. It is, instead, the very artificiality of Caravaggio’s light—a light that belongs “to painting, not to reality”—which earns his admiration.

The Roberto Longhi mentioned below is Pasolini’s former teacher, an art historian at the forefront of Caravaggio studies. It was Longhi who resurrected the painter from a certain obscurity in the twenties, arguing for the consequence of his work to a wider European tradition from Rembrandt and Ribera to Courbet and Manet.

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Diary, 2021

In these pages, written in 2021, I seem to have been looking back at earlier notes and journals. The story of Pierre—a French shepherd—is a project imagined decades ago that I still have not given up on. My “theories” are also still interesting to me: for instance, that maybe certain people are more inclined to violence when there is less sensuality of other kinds in their lives.


Lydia Davis’s story collection Our Strangers will be published in fall 2023 by Bookshop Editions. Selections from her 1996 journals appear in the Review‘s new Summer issue, no. 244.


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A Summer Dispatch from the Review’s Poetry Editor

Detail from the cover art of issue no. 244: Emilie Louise Gossiaux, London with Ribbon, 2022, ballpoint pen on paper.

There’s a thrill of eros to many summer poems. Like in those late-eighties teen movies—Dirty Dancing, Say Anything, One Crazy Summer—you never know when you’ll see some skin. And so it goes in our new Summer issue. In Jessica Laser’s dreamy, autobiographical remembrance “Kings,” the poet recalls a drinking game she used to play in high school on the shore of Lake Michigan over summer vacations:

                                     … You never knew
whether it would be strip or not, so you always
considered wearing layers. It was summer.
Sometimes you’d get pretty naked
but it wasn’t pushy. You could take off
one sock at a time.

Is that easygoing, one-sock-at-a-time feeling what defines the summer fling? Maybe that’s just how objects appear in the rearview mirror; even the most operatic affairs can seem a little comical in retrospect. In his poem “Armed Cavalier,” Richie Hofmann captures the hothouse kind of summer romance, when two lovers lock themselves away “for a whole weekend / and not eat or drink.” I love the wry look he casts over his shoulder at the end of these lines:

Stars, slow traffic,

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On Vitamins

Molecular model of Vitamin B12. Licensed under CCO 4.0, courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

Three years ago, I biked into a curb and fell on my head. When I got up, I couldn’t remember where I was, so I called an ambulance, which drove me to the nearest hospital, which was apparently one block away. The emergency room doctors told me there was nothing they could do. My eye was swollen, but my face seemed otherwise normal, and they wouldn’t know if anything was wrong with my brain unless they ran a CAT scan, which would expose me to toxic radiation. I asked if there were any nontoxic tests they could run for free. They offered to run a blood panel, which would let me know if I had any STIs. I let them bind my forearm, which had nothing to do with my head.

The next day, the doctor sent a message through the hospital’s online portal. My tests all came back negative, but they had also run a nutrient panel, and I was deficient in B12. I started googling. “Fell off bike low B12?” Everything that came up was random; I might as well have strung together any other combination of five words. I wanted to google more, but the doctor had told me that the internet was bad for my concussion. So I forgot about my deficiency and tried hard to make my body do nothing, which was the only way for it to heal.

Things got better. I started to feel normal, and eventually I was allowed to google as much as I wanted. Years went by. And then one day at a café, I met a man—a comedian—who told me horror stories about his life as a former vegan. His hair had fallen out, he was exhausted, his mood was always sour, and it was all because of vitamins: he could never get enough of them. While he complained, I felt my hairline receding; I was a vegan, too. And when I thought about it, really thought about it, my personality was on the decline. I was always struggling to make my days have meaning, and I wore my meaninglessness like a divine premonition. (“I have a feeling,” I texted a friend, “that something bad, really bad, is going to happen.”) I remembered the emergency room doctor’s diagnosis and felt the empty place inside of me where all the B12 supplements should have been, leeching into my bloodstream.

I tried to make a doctor’s appointment, but I had moved to California, and my insurance only covered care in New York. My body was on the West Coast, but all the tools I had for reading it were on the East. I told my father I was coming home to visit him, and when I arrived, asked him to drop me off at urgent care.

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Making of a Poem: Leopoldine Core on “Ex-Stewardess”

Leopoldine Core’s aura photo, courtesy of the author.

For our series Making of a Poem, we’re asking poets to dissect the poems they’ve published in our pages. Leopoldine Core’s “Ex-Stewardess” appears in our new Summer issue, no. 244.

How did this poem start for you? Was it with an image, an idea, a phrase, or something else?

Often a poem begins wordlessly. It’s as if the text is a reply to some cryptic spot in the back of my brain that I have become attracted to. I’m alerted to the presence of something that isn’t solid. It has more to do with feeling, tempo, scale, and temperature. I’m so focused on that emanating region that, even though I’m using words, my experience—the start of it—is wordless and meditative.

How did writing the first draft feel to you? Did it come easily, or was it difficult to write? (Are there hard and easy poems?)

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Fernando Pessoa’s Unselving

Pessoa in 1934. From Os Objectos de Fernando Pessoa | Fernando Pessoa’s Objects by Jerónimo Pizarro, Patricio Ferrari, and Antonio Cardiello. Courtesy of the Casa Fernando Pessoa and Dom Quixote.

On July 11, 1903, a long narrative poem called “The Miner’s Song” by Karl P. Effield appeared in the Natal Mercury, a weekly newspaper in Durban, South Africa. Effield—who claimed to be from Boston—was actually none other than the Portuguese writer Fernando Pessoa, then a high school student in Durban. This was the first of Pessoa’s English-language fictitious authors to appear in print—the beginning of Pessoa’s unusual mode of self-othering. The adoption of different personae allowed him to go beyond a nom de plume, and take on unpopular, controversial, and even extreme points of view in both his poetry and prose.

While in South Africa, where Pessoa lived between 1896 and 1905, he sent another work to the Natal Mercury under the name of Charles Robert Anon, attempting without success to publish three political sonnets about the Russo-Japanese War of 1904–1905. Pessoa’s early fictitious authors wrote in English, French, and Portuguese—the three languages he continued to use until he died, at age forty-seven. These first invented writers, which he would go on to call “heteronyms,” composed loose texts mostly in the form of first drafts; but others, like Bernardo Soares (whom Pessoa created around 1920) or the major heteronyms (Alberto Caeiro, Álvaro de Campos, and Ricardo Reis in 1914), produced a very solid body of work. By the time Pessoa was twenty-six years old, he had already invented a hundred literary personae.

Alberto Caeiro was the central fictitious figure of Pessoa’s literary universe. Born in Lisbon on April 16, 1889, Caeiro died of tuberculosis in 1915. Pessoa said that Caeiro poetically arrived in his life on March 8, 1914—which in a famous letter to the Portuguese literary critic Adolfo Casais Monteiro he described as a “triumphal day.” The poet and novelist Mário de Sá-Carneiro was one of Pessoa’s closest friends in Lisbon, and Caeiro (perhaps a pun on Sá-Carneiro’s name) seems to have come into being as a joke: “I thought I would play a trick on Sá-Carneiro and invent a bucolic poet of a rather complicated kind,” wrote Pessoa in the same letter. Caeiro’s “death” seems to have been influenced, in retrospect, by Sá-Carneiro’s suicide in Paris on April 26, 1916. As Pessoa wrote in the review Athena in 1924, “Those whom the gods love die young.” By that time, he had produced the body of poems for which Caeiro would be remembered—The Keeper of Sheep.

Courtesy of Tinta da china.

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Beyond ChatGPT

Oleg Alexandrov, vector space illustration. Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Counterpath Press’s series of now thirteen computer-generated books, Using Electricity, offers a refreshing alternative to the fantasia of terror and wonder that we’ve all been subjected to since the public release of ChatGPT. The books in this series present us with wide-ranging explorations into the potential interplay between human language and code. Although code-based work can be dauntingly hermetic to the noncoder, all computationally generated or mediated writing is the result of two fundamental decisions that remain in the hands of the human author: defining the source text(s) (the data) and choosing the processes (the algorithms or procedures) that operate on them. A text generator like ChatGPT uses brute force on both sides—enormous amounts of text vacuumed from the internet are run through energy-intensive pattern-finding algorithms—to create coherent, normative sentences with an equivocal but authoritative tone. The works in Using Electricity harness data and code to push language into more playful and revealing imaginative territory.

Many of Using Electricity’s authors mobilize computational processes to supercharge formal constraints, producing texts that incessantly iterate through variations and permutations. In The Truelist, Nick Montfort, the series editor, runs a short Python script to generate pages of four-line stanzas comprising invented compound words. “Now they saw the lovelight, / the blurbird, / the bluewoman facing the horse, / the fireweed.” The poem is a relentless loop—repeating this same structure as it churns through as many word combinations as it can find. Rafael Pérez y Pérez’s Mexica uses a pared-down, culturally specific vocabulary and a complex algorithm to generate short fairy tale–like stories. One begins, “The princess woke up while the songs of the birds covered the sky.” The skeletal story structure swaps different characters and actions as the variations play out. It’s like watching a multiversal performance of the same puppet show.

I find that often I am not reading these works for meaning as much as for pattern, which is at the heart of how computation operates. Allison Parrish’s fantastic Articulations brings us frighteningly deep into the core of computational pattern searching. Drawing from a corpus of over two million lines of poetry from the Project Gutenberg database, she takes us on a random walk through “vector space.” Put simply, this is the mathematical space in which computers plot similarities between different aspects of language—the sound, the syntax, whatever the programmer chooses. The result is a dizzying megacollage/cluster-mash-up of English poetry in which obsessive and surprising strings constantly emerge—a vast linguistic hall of mirrors. “In little lights, nice little nut. In a little sight. In a little sight, in a little sight, a right little, tight little island. A light. A light. A light. A light. A light.”

Many of these works are indebted to the wider traditions of procedural, concrete, conceptual, and erasure poetry, while making use of code’s unique possibilities for play, chance, variation, and repetition. Stephanie Strickland’s Ringing the Changes draws its mathematical ordering process from a centuries-old practice of English bell ringing. In Experiment 116, Rena Mosteirin plays a game of translation telephone by running Shakespeare’s “Sonnet 116” through multiple languages in Google Translate and back into English.

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Virginia Woolf’s Forgotten Diary

Virginia Woolf, wearing a fur stole. Public domain, courtesy of wikimedia commons.

On August 3, 1917, Virginia Woolf wrote in her diary for the first time in two years—a small notebook, roughly the size of the palm of her hand. It was a Friday, the start of the bank holiday, and she had traveled from London to Asheham, her rented house in rural Sussex, with her husband, Leonard. For the first time in days, it had stopped raining, and so she “walked out from Lewes.” There were “men mending the wall & roof” of the house, and Will, the gardener, had “dug up the bed in front, leaving only one dahlia.” Finally, “bees in attic chimney.”

It is a stilted beginning, and yet with each entry, her diary gains in confidence. Soon, Woolf establishes a pattern. First, she notes the weather, and her walk—to the post, or to fetch the milk, or up onto the Downs. There, she takes down the number of mushrooms she finds—“almost a record find,” or “enough for a dish”—and of the insects she has seen: “3 perfect peacock butterflies, 1 silver washed frit; besides innumerable blues feeding on dung.” She notices butterflies in particular: painted ladies, clouded yellows, fritillaries, blues. She is blasé in her records of nature’s more gruesome sights—“the spine & red legs of a bird, just devoured by a hawk,” or a “chicken in a parcel, found dead in the nettles, head wrung off.” There is human violence, too. From the tops of the Downs, she listens to the guns as they sound from France, and watches German prisoners at work in the fields, who use “a great brown jug for their tea.” Home again, and she reports any visitors, or whether she has done gardening or reading or sewing. Lastly, she makes a note about rationing, taking stock of the larder: “eggs 2/9 doz. From Mrs Attfield,” or “sausages here come in.”

Though Woolf, then thirty-five, shared the lease of Asheham with her sister, the painter Vanessa Bell (who went there for weekend parties), for her, the house had always been a place for convalescence. Following her marriage to Leonard in 1912, she entered a long tunnel of illness—a series of breakdowns during which she refused to eat, talked wildly, and attempted suicide. She spent long periods at a nursing home in Twickenham before being brought to Asheham with a nurse to recover. At the house, Leonard presided over a strict routine, in which Virginia was permitted to write letters—“only to the end of the page, Mrs Woolf,” as she reported to her friend Margaret Llewelyn Davies—and to take short walks “in a kind of nightgown.” She had been too ill to pay much attention to the publication of her first novel, The Voyage Out, in 1915, or to take notice of the war. “Its very like living at the bottom of the sea being here,” she wrote to a friend in early 1914, as Bloomsbury scattered. “One sometimes hears rumours of what is going on overhead.”

In the writing about Woolf’s life, the wartime summers at Asheham tend to be disregarded. They are quickly overtaken by her time in London, the emergence of the Hogarth Press, and the radical new direction she took in her work, when her first novels—awkward set-pieces of Edwardian realism—would give way to the experimentalism of Jacob’s Room and Mrs. Dalloway. And yet during these summers, Woolf was at a threshold in her life and work. Her small diary is the most detailed account we have of her days during the summers of 1917 and 1918, when she was walking, reading, recovering, looking. It is a bridge between two periods in her work and also between illness and health, writing and not writing, looking and feeling. Unpacking each entry, we can see the richness of her daily life, the quiet repetition of her activities and pleasures. There is no shortage of drama: a puncture to her bicycle, a biting dog, the question of whether there will be enough sugar for jam. She rarely uses the unruly “I,” although occasionally we glimpse her, planting a bulb or leaving her mackintosh in a hedge. Mostly she records things she can see or hear or touch. Having been ill, she is nurturing a convalescent quality of attention, using her diary’s economical form, its domestic subject matter, to tether herself to the world. “Happiness is,” she writes later, in 1925, “to have a little string onto which things will attach themselves.” At Asheham, she strings one paragraph after another; a way of watching the days accrue. And as she recovers, things attach themselves: bicycles, rubber boots, dahlias, eggs.

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The Cups Came in a Rush: An Interview with Margot Bergman

Margot Bergman’s studio. Photograph courtesy of Corbett vs. Dempsey, Chicago.

Do cups have souls? If you look at Margot Bergman’s portfolio in our Summer issue, you might be tempted to say yes: the cups she has painted, from various vantage points and in bright colors, seem filled with life. Bergman, who was born in 1934, has been painting for nearly her whole life. She is best known for her series Other Reveries, which features collaborative portraits painted over artworks she has saved from flea markets and thrift stores. Each painting is layered with decisive, bold paint strokes, revealing a face latent with layers of emotions. They are at once beautiful, frightening, humorous, and welcoming. Who knew that cups could contain similarly human emotion? We talked about the joys of painting, the female form, and of course, what drew her to cups in the first place.

—Na Kim 


Much of your work revolves around faces, and especially female figures. When did start painting these?

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Book Riot’s YA Book Deals of the Day for June 17, 2023

Book Riot’s YA Book Deals of the Day for June 17, 2023


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Book Riot’s Deals of the Day for June 17, 2023

Book Riot’s Deals of the Day for June 17, 2023


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The 20 Best LGBTQ+ Books So Far This Year, According to Esquire

The 20 Best LGBTQ+ Books So Far This Year, According to Esquire

It’s about the middle of the year — and the middle of Pride Month — and Esquire has blessed us with a roundup of 20 of the best queer books out this year so far. In this list, you’ll find trans memoirs, illuminating nonfiction, poetry, and a variety of genres written by well-known authors as well as exciting new ones to know.

So, here are the 20 best LGBTQ+ books so far this year to pick up between Pride events.

Esquire’s 20 Best LGBTQ+ Books So Far

I Keep My Exoskeletons to Myself by Marisa Crane

Endpapers by Jennifer Savran Kelly

Couplets: A Love Story by Maggie Millner

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Book Riot’s Deals of the Day for June 16, 2023

Book Riot’s Deals of the Day for June 16, 2023


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How Much Have Book Bans Impacted Author Visits? A Survey: Book Censorship News, June 16, 2023

How Much Have Book Bans Impacted Author Visits? A Survey: Book Censorship News, June 16, 2023

No lengthy introduction this week. Instead, this week is dedicated to a survey to authors: are you seeing an impact on the number and types of school and library visit invitations in this era of censorship?

Click this link to fill out the survey.

All responses are due July 1, for an anticipated July 14 run date. Anyone who is a traditionally published author for minor-age readers may participate. It is anonymous, and participation in every question is not required. We want to find out how much your income is being impacted by the bigotry perpetuated by right-wing Christofascism in public schools and libraries.

Book Censorship News: June 16, 2023

Launching with the thing that is most worrying: the kids are not okay in this era of nonstop censorship and legislation of them.After a slate of books were removed from Gardner Edgerton schools (KS), a student challenged the Bible. The board did not even go through the review process and denied the challenge. This isn’t how policies work, school boards. You’ve gotta apply the standard across all challenges.“It’s un-American,” One woman said. “These library resources promote diversity, equity, and inclusion for social and emotional indoctrination.” That’s a real quote about why books should be banned from Central York Schools (PA) as the district now looks through its SEVENTH iteration of policy.Hanover County, Virginia just updated their school library policies and immediately banned 17 books.Essex Library (CT) looks like it got hit by Hide the Pride, as a patron took down their Pride display.Ferndale Public Library in Michigan was hit by Hide the Pride.A mother complaining about books at the Caro Library (MI — public) says the standard of what kids can look at on the computer should be the standard for titles available in the library. Indeed, those sex ed books would be perfectly fine under your own damn standard. This week’s board meeting was canceled because they did not have enough room to hold it.Elmhurst Public Schools (IL) avoided a vote to eliminate use of passages from American Street from 9th grade classroom study. This school has been under nonstop attack from “Elmhurst Parents for Integrity in Curriculum” and their cohort for years. This is just the latest grievance.“The Wake County chapter of Moms for Liberty [NC] filed challenges against 20 books that it says are not appropriate to be in school libraries. The county school system has rejected all 189 challenges on the grounds that they were not filed by parents at those schools.” This story is, of course, paywalled, but this is the short version of what we all know to be the playbook.This headline is sheer gold: Utah Republicans defend book removal law while protesting district that banned Bible. Don’t dish standards you demand if you don’t like when those standards are applied universally. This is why we don’t ban books.Laramie County School District No.1 (WY) got to hear from book crisis actors about how schools aren’t doing enough to stop children from accessing books that “sexualize” them. I thought you people didn’t coparent with the government?“’These books are in the schools. So many people have said they aren’t there, but this is proof they are there.’ Rodriguez said that it is the parent’s job and the parent’s choice to determine what their child gets to see. Rodriguez said, ‘We are not going to stop until all these books are removed, and our schools are safe for our children to go to the library again.’” They don’t ban books, though? This is Hernando, Florida, where the argument was not over the appropriateness of the poetry in Rupi Kaur’s books but some of the illustrations.In Staples High School (MA), the challenge of three books has finally been dropped. All three will remain on shelves.Book lists — book lists! — were removed from the Omaha Public Library (NE) amid “confusion” and then restored. This is self-censorship in action, whether or not that was the intent. It is the impact.“Hempfield School District’s [PA] board has no immediate plans to remove any library books but voted Tuesday to implement a set of policies that lay the groundwork for the board to review and potentially remove books containing content deemed sexually explicit or inappropriate.” You will note they do not define what any of those words mean.Ludlow Schools (MA) are still debating a new policy that would open up the doors for book banning. Hey it’s “already in place in some Pennsylvania schools” is the clear sign this is being rammed by right-wing parents with affiliations to these groups and the school isn’t just calling it what it is. The good news is, the measure did not pass this week.Trempealeau Middle School library (WI) is currently debating whether or not to ban the nonfiction book Queer Ducks (And Other Animals) because, I guess, science and facts are no longer allowed.Paywalled article, of course, but the Sebastian River High School (FL) is trying to imagine what the library looks like when the book bans courtesy of Moms for Liberty and their friend Ronny empty the shelves. It’d be nice to read this, you know.In good news, Sacramento Public Library (CA) has created a sanctuary library called the Lavender Library.While in Iowa, Covid Kim is not going to help the libraries figure out what books are now illegal under the Moms for Liberty bill she passed. Good luck with that, and know that because the bill states that book challenges are no longer matters of public record, library workers won’t even know who is monitoring their collections and challenging them. Brain drain in Iowa used to refer to folks who went there for college — like me! — then left. Now it refers to the politics.The same confusion and lack of guidance is making life for library workers in Indiana schools nearly impossible.In what now passes as good news, Maine will not be implementing book ratings on school library titles.Greenville County Public Library (SC) was tasked with reviewing 24 books being challenged by the county GOP. Instead of doing that, they decided to implement a wide range of changes to collection policies, INCLUDING BANNING THE WORD BANNED IN BOOK DISPLAYS.The Washington Post is complicit in the rise of book bans, given how much they’ve thrown things behind paywalls. That’s the case here, wherein we learn at least one district in Missouri — our friends at Nixa — is planning to determine whether or not Maus will remain on shelves.“Ohio’s proposed ‘Parents’ Bill of Rights’ would require public schools to let parents know about sexuality content materials, give parents a chance to review them, and give parents the option to request alternative instruction.” Let me reiterate here something to make it clear. Parents have always been able to ask for alternative assignments. What they’re demanding is to be told about every book being taught in the classroom. In doing so, they are indeed co-parenting with the government, even though one of their very own rallying cries is they do not co-parent with the government. If they truly cared about parental rights and not co-parenting, they’d be asking their children what they’re doing in class and looking at class syllabi themselves…not demanding the school deliver it to them on a silver platter. The arguments do not even make sense.Fontana Regional Library (NC) moves a book about sex for teens out of the teen area and into the adult area. Great way to ensure the readers who need it will never see it.In Greater Essex County District School Board (Windsor, Ontario, Canada), the parental rights folks are taking a page out of the U.S. bigot playbook, from books to gender identity. Pennridge Schools (PA) are being sued by a local over the discovery they’ve been quietly banning books by checking them out over and over and over again to restrict access to students.“Eighty-six books that were donated to Spotsylvania’s Smith Station Elementary School [VA] in May have not yet been approved by the School Board and are under review, division spokeswoman Tara Mergener said Tuesday. Among the books, which were donated by teachers, librarians and school families, are a picture book about the orchestra by Courtney Woodward, who visited Smith Station in March; Don’t Let the Pigeon Stay Up Late, The Pigeon Wants a Puppy, and an Elephant & Piggie book by Mo Willems; Smile and Sisters by Raina Telgemeier; and titles from the Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Baby-Sitters Club, and Captain Underpants series.” Why is the school board in charge of determining whether or not book donations are allowed? That belongs in the hands of the trained professionals, not the elected bigots (and don’t be fooled, that’s who is calling the shots in this community, where the board president suggested burning books he disagrees with).Someone who wants to be on the school board for United 4 SCASD was caught breaking into the high school to take pictures of books in the library. That is far more dangerous than the possibility a kid picks up Gender Queer (PA).“Monday, the Rochester Public Library Board of Trustees adopted a resolution that condemns censorship and book banning in all forms, specifically focusing on LGBT+ material.” This is Rochester, Minnesota, and it is what all boards should be doing.Meanwhile in Austin Public Library (MN), the aggrieved are complaining about an upcoming drag storytime event. No one complained about this event in 2019, when it was the same queen involved. Funny, that.York County Public Library (SC) will not be relocating books the crisis actors claim are inappropriate.This article about how “conservative activists” who showed up to protest books in this Colorado are classified “by others” as a hate group. The “others” are the SPLC, which has some expertise in this. But okay!Curious, here, that a board member of the ImagineIF Public Library (MT) who has been vocal about removing Gender Queer from the library and filed a complaint to do so is…now on the state’s library commission.This is a GREAT letter about all of these proposed policies across states and school districts that are amping up book bans.“The people who attended have cited the book Let’s Talk About It by Erika Moen and Matthew Nolan at different local city council meetings and past commission meetings. The book was available at Parkersburg South High School where they said it was removed after complaints were made. They said it is still available at the branches of the Parkersburg-Wood County Public Library.” But I thought these people only didn’t want their naughty books at school libraries because they could get them at the public library? Huh, that (WV).Last fall, Downers Grove Public Library (IL) faced threats — including mailed bullets — over a drag event for teens. This June, they’re hosting an LGBTQ+ legacy wall.This play of demanding the Bible be banned happening isn’t funny, actually, nor is it clever or a gotcha. This time we’re in West Palm Beach, Florida, and the twist in this one is it’s a Rabbi seeking to get the Bible pulled. Satirically.75% of the funding is being withheld from Samuels Public Library (VA), where a group has been claiming there is porn in the library. This group of people and their joke of a website are why the library is having 3/4 of its budget withheld. We should be deeply concerned that 1. officials don’t bother doing their research on this being a game and 2. this is allowed to happen due to who they get on the board with sympathies for crisis actors.“The school board voted in a closed session Tuesday to fire Superintendent Jodi McClay. Her dismissal comes after the school board narrowly voted to remove a textbook that mentions gay rights and history from a kindergarten through 5th grade social studies program. The materials for the program contain the history of Harvey Milk, a county supervisor from San Francisco who was the first gay politician to be elected to office in California.” This is in California, and reread the statement. The teacher was fired for…teaching history.This news just came out, but a middle school teacher in Charlotte, North Carolina, was fired for teaching his honors 7th graders Dear Martin.Orem Public Library, Utah, may see a lawsuit thanks to their banning of Pride and heritage month book displays. This particular public library has been having this battle since 2021, continued it into 2022, and here we are in 2023.“I was very disappointed that this year’s summer reading logo has the rainbow colors as the background,” reads the June 6 email, which was provided to the Weekly with the sender’s name redacted. “The rainbow colors have predominantly been used recently as representing the LGBTQ community and their Pride flag…WHAT does that even have to do with summer reading, especially for the children?” This is over a sticker at the Monterey County Public Library in California. A rainbow on a sticker.This story is paywalled, but the Oak Creek, Wisconsin schools might ban “safe space” signs. They want to ban safe space signs. They want. To ban. Safe space. Signs.In less mind-boggling news, a donor to the Boston Public Library (MA) has given a $1 million grant to enhance its LGBTQ+ collections, resources, and services.Greeley-Evans Schools (CO) will retain Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close and The Kite Runner.Daviess County, Kentucky saw several protestors outside the library, which was holding Pride events. There was an even larger group of counter protesters.The new collection policy in Campbell County Public Library (WY) puts every bit of responsibility for every book on the library director. This means anything with a whiff of “inappropriate” is now going to mean the director’s head. And by “inappropriate,” that means anything the board or a community member feels like challenging. You may remember Campbell County Library from 2021, where librarians were threatened with jail over books some of the religious bigot community there did not like. The same Campbell County Library hired a right-wing “nonprofit” from Florida to completely dismantle their current collection policy at a public library. County money being spent on bigotry. This story did not get enough attention and now, well, here we are.And lastly this week, in Greenville Public Library, South Carolina, library workers cannot use the word “banned” in book displays.


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Elliot Page Does Not Owe You a Legible Timeline: On the Beauty of Nonlinear Queer & Trans Storytelling

Elliot Page Does Not Owe You a Legible Timeline: On the Beauty of Nonlinear Queer & Trans Storytelling

It’s been a little over a week since the publication of Elliot Page’s memoir, Pageboy, and the haters have settled in on Goodreads. This isn’t surprising. Page is perhaps the most publicly visible trans celebrity to publish a memoir in recent memory. What’s more, though he does write about his career in Hollywood, the making of movies like Juno and Whip It, and his relationships with famous actors, in many ways, the book is not a traditional celebrity memoir. Pageboy is an intimate, vulnerable, and poetic coming-into-self story about one trans man’s deeply personal and specific journey. It’s not a chronological story, either — it’s a queerly beautiful collection of memories and moments. Page moves around in time, skipping from childhood to the near-present to his early acting career and back. This nonlinear structure will feel bone-deep true to many queer and trans readers. It certainly felt like home to me.

It’s also what some readers seem to have such a problem with. After finishing the book, completely delighted by the inherent queerness of this structure, and with a queasy feeling in my gut that people were going to hate it, I spent about seven minutes scrolling through Goodreads. I did not read every review, but seven minutes was enough to confirm my suspicions. There are, happily, many glowing reviews. But the theme of the negative reviews is consistent: Why couldn’t he have told this story chronologically? It was so confusing to keep track of the timeline! I couldn’t make sense of the nonlinear structure. None of these are actual quotes — I’m paraphrasing from lots of reviews.

What’s even more telling is the surprising number of positive reviews with a caveat. I read several four-star reviews praising Page’s writing and honesty, exclaiming how much they enjoyed the book on a whole and then — but why did he have to tell it this way? It would have been so much better and easier to follow if it has been told chronologically. Again, I’m paraphrasing.

Before we get into it, I have to ask — did we read the same book? Because, readers, Page explains it in the third paragraph of the author’s note. The third paragraph. He literally could not be more clear about why he wrote the book the way he did:

“These memories shape a nonlinear narrative, because queerness is intrinsically nonlinear, journeys that bend and wind. Two steps forward, one step back. I’ve spent much of my life chipping away toward the truth, while terrified to cause a collapse. This is reflected on the page intentionally. In many ways, this book is the story of my untangling.”

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Inside Judy Garland’s Long Lost Book of Poetry

Inside Judy Garland’s Long Lost Book of Poetry

In popular culture today, Judy Garland is best remembered as an actress, singer, and entertainer extraordinaire whose personal struggles often overshadowed her professional accomplishments.

While she was under contract for 15 years with Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) during which she starred in career-defining musical roles in The Wizard of Oz, Meet Me in St. Louis, Easter Parade, and numerous others, her life was plagued by impossible work demands. As such, biographers differ on whether it was her mother or MGM that got her hooked on amphetamines to keep her going; whatever the case, it led to a lifelong battle with alcohol and substance abuse.

Following her untimely dismissal from MGM in 1950, she rebounded from a highly publicized suicide attempt with record-breaking concert appearances that redefined her career outside of Hollywood. She received an Academy Award nomination for what was supposed to be her triumphant comeback film, A Star is Born, and became the first woman to win the Grammy Award for Album of the Year for the live recording of Judy at Carnegie Hall. Still, financial difficulty and drug dependence doomed the rest of her life, and she died from a barbiturate overdose at the age of 47 in 1969.

But one fact about Judy Garland that often gets left out of modern reporting on the star is that she was a passionate fan of poetry. In fact, as a teenager at MGM, she self-published her own book of poetry called Thoughts and Poems. It was 10 pages long and contained eight poems. It first published in 1940 with only a select few copies given out to close friends. Jack Chitgian Bookbinding Service in Beverly Hills, who manufactured the book, reprinted an unknown amount of copies in the early 1970s after Garland’s death. One copy that survived was sold at auction in 2017 for $1,600.

According to Manuel Betancourt in Judy Garland’s Judy at Carnegie Hall, the poems Garland wrote in the 1930s are defined by “overly dramatic scenes of romance and glamour befitting a teenage girl who pined away for boys who were always much more interested in, say, Lana Turner, than Judy herself.” In her early years, Garland was always made out to be the ugly duckling when compared to other young MGM stars like Turner, Elizabeth Taylor, and Ava Gardner. Her first serious romance was with band leader Artie Shaw, who left her to elope with Turner in 1940.

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Outdoors is For Everyone: Books to Help You Get Outside

Outdoors is For Everyone: Books to Help You Get Outside

It’s summer, with longer days, more sunshine, and warmer weather. It’s a great time to be outside — but as someone who hasn’t always loved being outside, I get that it’s not always easy as saying “get outside!” Being outdoors and in nature does not come naturally to me. I’d rather be inside in the air conditioning, wearing comfy sweats, and curled up with a great book. However, I know that both my son and I are happier, much less stressed, and healthier being outside, getting plenty of sunshine and fresh air, and exploring nature…even if I don’t always love the bugs.

It’s been a process for me. Because I want my son to love nature, I have had to very deliberately choose outdoor activities like our nature class, and make a concerted effort to take our homeschooling outside when we can, even if it’s just a morning walk around our condo building, or sitting outside on a blanket for our read-alouds.

While I still consider myself a “newbie” with the outdoors, I love reading memoirs about those who are more adventurous than I, like Morgan Sjogren’s Path of Light, or Jennifer Pharr Davis’s Becoming Odyssa. But there are other books that are great to read to help you get started on your outdoorsy journey — whether you’re thinking about hiking, trying an outdoor sport, or not quite sure you “belong” in the outdoors. (You do). I’ve put together a list of some books to pique your interest, encourage you, or provide you with some reassurance about getting started on your outdoor journey.

Fat Girls Hiking: An Inclusive Guide to Getting Outdoors at Any Size or Ability by Summer Michaud-Skog

I got this book when I started to think about hiking and being outside more, and I think it’s great for people of any size. It’s very easy to get intimidated by other people on the trail, especially if you look or feel like you’re not “the type” of person to hike or be outdoorsy. Michaud-Skog outlines how she got started hiking, how FGH came about, and how accessibility is and can be centered in outdoor activities like hiking. With plenty of pictures and lots of practical advice, this is a great book with which to get started. There’s also an Instagram (@fatgirlshiking).

Catch a Crayfish, Count the Stars: Fun Projects, Skills, and Adventures for Outdoor Kids by Steven Rinella (June 13th)

Rinella’s book Outdoor Kids in an Inside World was a game-changer for me, and so I was excited to see this book. This feels like one I’ll dive into a lot with my son, especially this summer. There are things like putting together an explorer’s kit, making your own compass, how to learn different kinds of knots, foraging tips, beach treasure hunting, cleaning fish, and much more. It’s an adventure-filled, informative, and interesting book full of fun activities to do throughout the year. It’s mainly geared for kids ages 8 and up, and some of the activities do require an adult’s guidance or supervision (clearly stated in the book).

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