“It’s not my decision,” Mikel Arteta explains who makes the transfer decisions at Arsenal

Mikel Arteta has shed light on Arsenal’s approach to signing players as the Gunners reap the rewards of adding Kai Havertz to their squad.

The decision to sign the former Chelsea man was met with serious questions as he struggled at the beginning of his career at the Emirates.

It was a move that caught many by surprise, and Havertz joined the club with a lot to prove, initially struggling to meet expectations.

However, he has since found good form and has proven that the decision to sign him was the right one.

While Arteta is proud of the signing and receives credit for bringing in good players, he insists that it is not solely his decision.

He knows it is not his job alone and explains, as quoted by Mirror Football:

“It’s not my decision, it’s our decision. 

“We were super aligned with the club’s vision, and then obviously on the sporting side, we made a recommendation.

“A lot of people were involved and then you need the ownership to back you as well, and make things happen. We were very convinced that they were characters first, they were players with the right qualities to fit within our model, our club, and sometimes it takes a bit of time, that’s inevitable.”

Just Arsenal Opinion

Arteta’s explanation shows that Arsenal has a good team of decision-makers who are on the same page and work hard for the club.

This way, the Spaniard can be sure they will sign players meeting club expectations.

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