I am glad if Arteta really is frustrated with Arsenal’s transfer dithering

So, there are suggestions in the media that Mikel Arteta is getting frustrated with our transfer policy.

Good! It’s about time!

When our former captain was given the manager’s job, I suggested like Emery before him, that he was a Yes Man.

How did I know that before I was asked?

Why else would the Kroenke Family hire a man with zero managerial experience?

Since Mr Wenger left, our owners have always suggested they picked the first target out of a huge shortlist.

Yet when you consider zero coach with any experience would work for our owners, you get a clear picture of what that shortlist might look like.

The criteria to work at the Emirates is to be so grateful for such a high-profile job that you accept your employers’ limitations.

If you nod your head and smile you get a pay rise, even if you have failed to return Arsenal to the Champions League, which we are told is the minimum we should expect as a fan base.

Gooners asked the other day why we couldn’t one day attract a Pep Guardiola or Jurgen Klopp?

Because a Pep isn’t going to accept winter transfer windows where the priority is to slash the wage bill.

A Klopp isn’t going to tolerate giving away your best striker without a replacement arranged.

Not a year after accepting that Ozil would get paid to sit at home for obviously non-footballing reasons.

Arteta though knew how his bosses worked when signing a new contract.

Either he feels promises have been broke or truly believed those in power were serious about bringing us back to our former levels.

This man coached at Man City and watched title winning squads be built. You don’t have Pep as a mentor or friend without getting that drive and will to win.

At certain points this season it looked like we were on course for the top 4 so maybe Arteta believes he is capable?

Maybe the competitor in him wants to take that next step and see how far he can take this project?

Maybe he thought he could be the shield but doesn’t want to purely fight for 4th and call 5th progress?

The Spaniard has known for months that Laca and Eddie would be out of contract this summer.

That’s why even before this campaign ended, there’s been big links with us and Jesus.

Press officers asked the media not to allude to the rumours at press conferences which is a huge indicator there is foundation in the speculation.

Arteta worked with the player at the Etihad, a place where he is highly thought of and where the Champions would be happy to help by giving a talent they know needs to leave for first team Football.

In a world where it’s accepted agents chat unofficially, it’s not unreasonable for our manager to expect a deal to be ready for i’s to be dotted and t’s crossed.

The fear is that by haggling over every last penny, a Real Madrid or Chelsea might now hijack any move.

If that happens Arteta has every right to demand help.

The 40-year-old has often preached about the values and ethos of the club and not accepting anyone who doesn’t abide by those principles.

He’s quick to preach those morals to a Aubameyang, Ozil or a Guendouzi but the irony is that it’s those who pay his wages who don’t understand what the badge means, the pride the shirt used to have.

As long as they don’t care we won’t win another Prem.

So, if Arteta is angry with the board …. Good

He will grow in my estimation because it shows he cares and maybe is not a yes man after all?

Dan Smith


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