Death to False Vinyl - Frank Kozik

Everybody's plastic, but I love plastic. I want to be plastic. -- Andy Warhol

android header new small

android strip 200

Lucky Cat Series
Lucky Cat Series - Shane Jessup 2013
  1. Gold LC - Collar Coin, Raised Right Arm, Luck in Wealth, Good Future
  2. White LC - Collar Coin, Raised Right Arm, General Good Luck, Purity
  3. Black LC - Collar Coin, Raised Right Arm, Safety, Protection from Evil
  4. Purple LC - Collar Bell, Raised Right Arm, Luck in Health, Beauty
  5. Pink LC - Collar Bell, Raised Left Arm, Luck in Relationship
  6. Red LC - Collar Bell, Raised Left Arm, Protection from Illness
  7. Green LC - Notebook, Raised Right Arm, Luck in Studies
  8. Yellow LC - Red Envelope, Raised Right Arm, Luck in Marriage
  9. Blue LC - Notebook, Raised Left Arm, Luck in Career
  10. Gold LC - Koban Coin, Raised Left Arm, Business Prosperity
  11. White LC - Koban Coin, Raised Left Arm, General Good Luck in Business
  12. Black LC - Koban Coin, Raised Left Arm, Business Protection

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