“Some say they see poetry in my paintings; I see only science"  Seurat

"Go to the country--the muse is in the woods"  Corot

Stormy Weather, Pas de Calais 1870

Stormy Weather, Pas de Calais 1870

Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot



Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot


Berthe Morisot


Georges Seurat


Rosa Bonheur


Camille Pissarro


Marie Bracquemond


Mary Cassatt


Gustave Courbet

Art is nature as seen through a temperament

Jean-Baptist-Camille Corot

Painting is the representation of visible forms. The essence of realism is its negation of the ideal

Gustave Courbet

Paint the essential character of things

Camille Pissarro

The inability of some critics to connect the dots doesn't make pointillism pointless

Georges Seurat

The point of departure must always be a vision of the truth. The eye is the route of the soul, and the pencil or brush must sincerely and naïvely reproduce what it sees

Rosa Bonheur

Impressionism has produced not only a new, but a very useful way of looking at things. It is as though all at once a window opens and the sun and air enter your house in torrents

Marie Bracquemond

Real painters understand with a brush in their hand

Berthe Morisot

The first sight of Degas' pictures was the turning point of my artistic life

Mary Cassatt